In a World where you can be Anything,
be Kind....
Welcome to Courtyard Early Learning Center
General Q&A!
How do I get into this secure building?
For the first few days, until we get your file audited, you may need to ring the door bell. Once Candace has audited your file, the code should be the last four numbers of mom's cell plus #. If that doesn't work, try dad's. If after day 3 of being at Courtyard your code isn't working, please check in with the office.
How do I sign my child in and out?
Kindersmart is the system that we use to allow parents to sign in and out. You will get instructions on the two methods available for parents to use. If you don't have your Kindersmart instructions yet, please stop by the office to pick them up.
When and how do I pay?
Tuition is billed to each account each Monday. Parents can pay as often as they choose, we just look to make sure everyone has a fully paid for account each Tuesday. Some parents pay weekly, some pay every two weeks, some pay once a month, some just drop money in there every so often. It is up to you.
We accept cash or check. You can drop the payment in the payment box by the office, in the front lobby.
Who can use our door code?
We ask that parents never share their door code with a non-parent for any reason.
How do I authorize a non-parent (grandparent, aunt, uncle, friend) to pick up my child?
Parents are asked to never give a door code to a non-parent. We would like to have the opportunity to greet this person, and have them sign your child out. They are welcome to ring the door bell! Please complete this online form for us to have the authorization to release your child to a non-parent, and remember to ask that person to sign this form at their pickup. Thank you for helping us keep our building super secure! Click Here
Why is my child given this blue bag?
Parents are encouraged to use this blue bag to take nap items (small pillow and a small blanket) home each Friday, and use it to return that nap stuff on Monday. Teachers will also use these blue bags for overflow if the child's cubby gets to be too full. Please ensure to check the cubby every so often, and take home items that are not needed here. Each child should have at least 2 season appropriate changes of clothes in their cubby, and a hair brush/comb for girls. Please help us keep things organized and minimalistic. :)