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Courtyard's Thanksgiving Meal

Hello Courtyard Parents!

We are hosting a special Thanksgiving Feast for all of the kiddos and their families on Wednesday, November 27th!!  

If you would like to contribute towards our meal, please click on your center's link below:

If you plan on attending the meal, please RSVP using the links below:

Because these kiddos have so many that love them, we DO NOT have enough room for all parents and grandparents to attend at the same time.  To accommodate parking and hallway room for all to enjoy, please arrive at your child's meal time.  Staggering the times should allow more time for parking and keep visitors from having to wait so long in line.  :)

Infants - 10:45

Toddlers - 10:50

Twos - 11:00

Creators (3A) - 11:15

Readers (3B) - 11:30

Adventurers (PKA) - 11:45

Explorers (PKB) - 12:15

We are grateful that you choose Courtyard each day!

Christa, Candace & Teachers

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